Saturday, June 07, 2008

Lighting Effects Are Us

I was up early this morning to get a bus down to Kaohsiung, as I was going to a wedding party, the journey took about 4 hours and was complete hell as I had to listening to KTV at 6 in the morning until we arrived which was quite an experience within itself.

The wedding was really good fun and the biggest wedding I have been so far with about 80 tables, so that around 800 guests. It was very Taiwanese with lots of lighting effects, sparklers and endless speeches while we got stuck into are 12-course lunch, which I have to admit, was seriously good.

The man to be.

The explosion of lights.


Kaohsiung is Taiwan largest industrial city and has spring like weather all year around, I found that city had more space with apartments block construction more open plan than the densely populated Taipei apartments blocks, the roads are also much wider in Kaohsiung than in Taipei, which also adds to that illusion of space.

They have recently just finished the construction of their MRT, which is slightly small than the Taipei MRT, I think this has be a mistake and well effect there transport system in the future.
