Saturday, June 28, 2008

Squid Fishing Keelung Harbour

Rita and me set off with three other mates to go squid fishing at night! We didn’t actually catch any squid. But it was a fun evening, well I had fun, I think Rita felt sea sick for most of the trip.

Landscape of the Keelung harbour, if you click on the image you should get a larger view in a new window.

When we arrived at about 6 o’clock it had just started to rain and get a bit cold. Taipei city had been really hot and sunny so we hadn't thought to bring waterproof coats or any jumpers! So we were a bit worried about getting completely drenched, but lucky the weather cleared up before we left.

Singing in the rain.

The all important umbrella.

King fishier.
This was the boat we took out, I didn’t think we would have been in such a new boat, it even had three flat screens inside so you could practice you karaoke. I had had images in my mind of us been on something less sea worthy before we arrived.

To my amazement they actually had safety gear for us to wear!

Come and get some Jaws.

Not feeling so well.

The fishing team.

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