Sunday, June 22, 2008

Testing & Speedo Swimming

Finally after five weeks, I have manage understand the coding of Jonathan's blog, which means I can use his template for my own layout. I've gone though loads of different template styles over the weeks and even though there are still a few glitches, which need ironing out I, recon I am about 85% there.

I don't know a lot about PHP and with out Ahmed, it was a bit of learning curve, I miss not having you around man!

Also I went to a public swimming pool, which was really cool and relaxing. I arrived with Rita about 8.30pm after getting the correct swimming wear, apparently my board shorts weren’t apportate and tight Lycra was the running theme.

I did a couple of lengths in the pool and then end up in a hot tub which had dark brown water, apparently it’s healthy mixture of water & something else it was more like stepping into a big pot of bubbling tea.

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