Today my co-worker Mark was getting married to his lovely soon to be wife
Sammi. The wedding was in
Nehui at the
Grace Hill chapel. They had over 300 guest so as weddings go this was a big one and it was all very Taiwan style with a twist of western
essence and far to many professional
photographers and camera men ready to capture every inch of detail.
Mark is on the right and I his brother on the left.
Entrance and our wedding was happening on the right hand side, I also think I was the only western at this wedding.
Sammi and Mark.I do have to say though it was all nicely organised and ran
thoroughly well. This is also my 4
th wedding I've been to in Taiwan. So I have not officially been to more wedding in Taiwan than England.
The must have wedding album.
Show time.We had some fantastic food and we were not bombarded with loads of meals to eat. All though we had the standard never ending speeches while you eat, which is still culturally weird to me. At first I was told to sit on number 8 table by Mark's brother which was pretty close to Mark, I though I would be somewhere in the back!
Unfortunately number 8 suddenly was invaded by a number of Marks senior relatives, I did my bested to speak Chinese, but the conversation went only so far. I suddenly realised I would be sitting here for the next three hours doing not much apart from smiling and eating away. Lucky Samuel who is one of my R&D engineers came to the rescue.

Even Vera Wang would be impressed!
The wedding dress really was out of a movie it was so long.
Honey moon jet setters waiting to leave.Labels: Friends, Fun, Taipei, Taiwan, Weddings