Friday, May 23, 2008

Moss Burger & The Flash Rain Storm

Wow Friday it rained, and boy did it rain, the sound of thunder echoing down the streets was amazing and you really felt that mother nature was in charge! After taking shelter under a shop porch for about ten minutes from the tropical rain, I then retreated to the fully air-conditioned moss burger to avoid the humidity which was probably about to follow after the rain storm.

Tropical rain.
Moss Burger is from Japan and is a healthier version of Mc Donald’s apparently, but it does defiantly taste nicer. It’s not fast food as the cook to order, but normally you have your meal in under five minuets.

Basket's only at moss.
Moss Burger is also full of high school teenagers doing their home work or they are having English lessons from Westerners, the attitude to education out here is amazing.

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