Sunday, August 31, 2008

International Universal Design Expo 2008 Taipei

Yester day George had organised for the western design gang to meet up and go and have coffee at hi place neat the 101 tower with the intension to go and visit the International Universal Design Expo 2008 in Taipei.

I would have loved to of writen a little peace about the exhibition but of course been Taipei when we arriveed it wasn't on, the exhibition had been canceled which was really annoying and a bit of a waist of out time.

As we had are thinking caps in design mode we decided to roam around 101 looking at the array of various C products on display and discussing where we would put our thoughts next! Then we headed to the PS Tapas bar where we spent most of the evening.

PS Tapas is located near Dunhua it's quite nice to meet for evening drinks but forget food, when you order and your food arrive you always feel like there has been a shortage of what they wanted to serve you in the first place.

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