Betel Nut Girl 檳榔西施
This was actually when I went down to visit the Queens Head Rock 野柳 I've only just got the photos back from my friend. My house mate Rocco insisted that I order four bottles of water from one of the many betel nut girls scantily dressed, lining the road on the way out of Taipei.
The betel nut and the betel nut girl is quite a unique part of Taiwan culture especially for the manual labor class who like to chew the betel nut as it gives them a fix of energy to work longer and harder.
Is that Hello Kitty pepper spray she has in her right hand?
Normally these girls sit in transparent porter cabins wearing not much more than a bikini, theoretically the less clothes the girl wears the more customers she should get.
Skimpy pink today!
Getting our order.
The betel nut and the betel nut girl is quite a unique part of Taiwan culture especially for the manual labor class who like to chew the betel nut as it gives them a fix of energy to work longer and harder.

Normally these girls sit in transparent porter cabins wearing not much more than a bikini, theoretically the less clothes the girl wears the more customers she should get.

They are not allowed to work naked or operate as a brothel, as the police are keen to crack down on that but these enterprises are generally run by organized criminal gangs.

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