My High Rider!
Finally after two weeks of pondering around, deciding whether I should spend limited funds on getting a bike to ride to Shi-Da in the mornings I have bought myself a traditional Chinese bicycle, complete with bell and front trash can!
A little bit to small!
I got the whole thing new with a helmet for 2000 NT that's just over 30 pounds, which is a pretty good price for a new ride. I have been assured by my Taiwanese friends that if I leave it outside it well get stolen or is this just the Taiwanese been paranoid about security again?
Getting the bike in the taxi was a bit of a challenge!
I did'nt think I could apply the urban camo effect after peeling all the stickers of the frame I felt the silver shape looked to nice too ruin. But I am going to get two locks and see what happens.

I got the whole thing new with a helmet for 2000 NT that's just over 30 pounds, which is a pretty good price for a new ride. I have been assured by my Taiwanese friends that if I leave it outside it well get stolen or is this just the Taiwanese been paranoid about security again?

I did'nt think I could apply the urban camo effect after peeling all the stickers of the frame I felt the silver shape looked to nice too ruin. But I am going to get two locks and see what happens.
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