Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Back Into Chinese

I have started to learn Chinese again, as I am finding it frustrating to not know what is been said in the meetings. I now have a privet tutor too visit me at the office after work on Tuesdays, which is much better for me I think.

Her name is Yin-Pei and she was recommended to me by my old MTC teacher Yatang. I have to say so far she has made lessons really easy for me and I am starting to construct sentences which is great, but I am still finding it hard to remember all the words and the correct tone!

I was reading Jonny blog and he was talking about his Chinese lessons and the fact that he was doing 6 hours per week plus extra study. So I think I will be hard pushed to make speedy progress but as long as I can learn the basics I should be fine.

I would love to put extra cash into the lessons but I just don't have the resources to afford it at the moment. I am paying 400 NT per hour and then I pay 200 NT for her to come to the office. It might seem like a lot but I worked out by the time I have taken the bus into town got to a coffee shop and order a drink it would cost me more.

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