Ikenobo Ikebana Taipei
Today was the start of Computex, but instead of walking around the Computex show with my co-workers, looking at scantily dressed girls in PVC showing the latest in MP3 players and digital photo frames.
We were all going around the equivalent of the Chelsea Flower show in Xinyi with my boss.
We were all going around the equivalent of the Chelsea Flower show in Xinyi with my boss.

It was a rather contemporary display.
Now I am sure but must have been the only westerner there, it was very middle class mums looking at very contemporary flower displays. Quite good fun to start with but each stand was rather similar to the next one by the time I had finished walking around.

All the photo were taken on my mobile phone camera, so I'm quite pleased with the quality of the images.
I also happen to spot this rather nice roof terrace garden which I have not seen before. Maybe a nice place to go for an early evening drink.

Through the glass.
Labels: Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan
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