Thursday, May 14, 2009

1 Year On Away From Home

Wow it's been 1 Year to the day since I was last in England, I was so close to making it the whole year in the Asian block but I fell short by just a few days.

Life: A lot has happen over the year, and a heck of a lot has happened in the past six months. But I have spent my time with amazing people who have taken me too visit fantastic places and have been truly wonderful and kind to me. Especially Rita who was just simply great and very supportive!

Work: I've been lucky enough to worked with some amazing design offices in Taipei from DEMinc 橙果設計, Process to AmTran 瑞軒科技, which is where I am working now.

It's been a real eye opener to how things are done out here and I had a steep learning curve which is still getting steeper!

Traveling: I've managed to visit Lanyu (Taiwan, but still an island in it's own right) Thailand (Bangkok), Macau and now America (California).

Rita also took me all over Taiwan, which gave me one of the best insights and cultural experience I think anybody could ever get and I was extremely privileged and honored to of had such a wonderful experience.

Languages: I wish I could speak more Chinese, but then I have not made enough effort to improve, I did find it tricky but I really want to improve now.

Music: I suppose my end of the year away from home song is going to be Steinski - Let's get it on

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