Oasis in Taiwan
This Friday evening I went to go and see Oasis with Jonny and a few other of his mates. It was in the Nangang exhibition centre, which was a bit of a mission to get too after work as the concert started at 7.30 pm.
Fantastic photo I think from a mini Sony T2.

I have to admit Oasis venue was a bit of a disappointment, not knocking the band they were cool, but the venue was useless and the Oasis tour management should of picked a better place.
First of we could not really hear them properly so they didn't sound very loud, it was an almost surreal experience, I can only describe the volume control as hearing music coming thought the other side of a wall, but seeing a band up front playing away.
They did have an awesome lighting rig!
Nole I think?
This lack of volume was because the Nangang center in a rectangular shape and acoustically rubbish! So this made it a bit of a disappointment. The second thing was they got us in late, as they were slow counting the tickets.
Oasis had already started playing by the time we got there. All in all I definitely wont be shelling out 1500 NT again to see any type of band play at the Nangang centre again!
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